The mission of the Northern Pacific (NORPAC) Division of Sports Car Club of America (SCCA) is to provide competitive and administrative training to its members;
- To keep an open line of communication with SCCAs national headquarters;
- To maintain high professional standards in place among its regions; and
- To provide a platform for its Membership that facilitates networking and solving mutual challenges.
WHY is it important for the NORPAC Division members to meet?
- It helps provide consistency in licensing and administering club events
- Provides communication between regions
- Establishes camaraderie
- Provides an avenue for collaboration
- Awards Divisional Championships
- Can possibly influence national decisions.
WHO should participate?
- Regional Executives and Regional Board of Directors
- Club Administrators, e.g. Divisional Administrators, Chiefs of Specialty
- Members
WHAT does the Division do?
- It improves communications, programs, schedules and member participant, ªand official training on Division-wide basis.
- It upholds and enforces the policies, rules and procedures of the SCCA.
WHEN does it convene?
- Once a year, preferably in late October.
- Atlantis Hotel Reno NV